Blanco Tackabery was a proud sponsor of the annual RAH! (Ardmore Run Against Hunger), a fun run, 5k, 10k, and food drive benefiting the Second Harvest Food Bank of Northwest North Carolina. RAH! began fifteen years ago and has raised enough funds to provide more than one million meals for hungry families in our area. This year, nearly 700 runners participated in the RAH!, raising over $23,500, which is equivalent to 165,000 meals for families in need, making this the most successful year to date. Several Blanco Tackabery attorneys and paralegals participated in the run this year, including attorneys Kelly M. Otis and Susan E. Campbell, who each took home a bronze medal in their divisions. Blanco Tackabery attorneys enjoyed showing their support for the event by providing snacks and encouragement to the runners before and after the run.
For more information on the event, please visit