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Blanco Tackabery Sponsors HandsOn Northwest North Carolina Forsyth County Governor’s Volunteer Service Awards Breakfast

Blanco Tackabery was proud to sponsor the HandsOn Northwest North Carolina Forsyth County Governor’s Volunteer Service Awards held earlier this week at Novant Health Forsyth Medical Center’s Conference Center. Congratulations to the year’s award recipients, recognized and honored volunteers who have made significant contributions to Forsyth County through volunteer service.

HandsOn Northwest North Carolina’s mission is mobilizing the people and organizations that inspire community change in Forsyth, Davidson, Davie, Stokes, Surry and Yadkin counties.

To learn more about HandsOn and to donate, visit:

When “Court” Comes to Town Hall: The Little-Known Rules of Quasi-Judicial Proceedings

Sometimes a property owner or developer will need special permission from a local board to undertake a project in compliance with “land use” laws. In North Carolina, when that permission requires the board to apply subjective legal standards to the facts presented, a “quasi-judicial proceeding” is required. Many applicants in land-use requests – and even many boards, especially in small towns – are not familiar with the term “quasi-judicial,” much less its ramifications. But these types of proceedings create hazards for the unwary that can make or break a desired outcome.

Land-use decisions in North Carolina fall into one of a few categories. For example, whether a tract of land will be rezoned from one type of zoning to another is usually a “legislative” decision. In other words, it’s basically a political decision that a town council will make, based whether the council thinks it’s a good idea. Council members will decide the matter, for the most part, based on their own judgment and opinions that they receive from citizens. Another category of land-use decision is an “administrative” decision. For example, a town may have a rule that involves objective criteria – such as a maximum height for a building, or a minimum setback from the road. Typically, a town employee can decide whether the rule is satisfied, since there should be little debate about criteria that are readily measurable or confirmable. In between legislative decisions and administrative decisions are quasi-judicial proceedings, in which a board will hear evidence regarding the request and decide whether the evidence meets the subjective standards for approval. For example, a board may be authorized to grant a request only upon a finding that it does not “materially endanger public or health or safety” or “substantially injure the value of adjoining property.”

The type of board that will hear a quasi-judicial proceeding is often a Zoning Board of Adjustment, but may be the Town Council or Planning Board, depending on the town’s local “ordinances.” Often, the board may consist of volunteers with no legal expertise or significant training in planning and land development. In a quasi-judicial proceeding, the board will be required to take evidence in accordance with the law and then weigh the evidence to determine whether a request meets the standards in the ordinance. In short, the board plays a role very similar to a judge in court; thus, the term “quasi-judicial.”

Quasi-judicial proceedings are used for decisions such as: variances (where the applicant seeks an exception to a land-use rule); special use permits (where a certain type of “use” is allowed in a zoning district only with special permission); certificates of appropriateness (where a property can only be modified in a way that is consistent with the era of a historic neighborhood); and appeals of decisions by town staff. Quasi-judicial proceedings will involve a hearing that occurs after notice is provided to the applicant and other directly affected property owners. Both proponents and opponents of the request should come to the hearing well-prepared. Important considerations include:

· Standing: Whether you are a party with “standing” will determine the extent of what you can do at the hearing. If you’re not a property owner or resident in the vicinity of the property in controversy, you might not have standing.

· Standards: What are the applicable standards that must be met for the request to be approved? Don’t develop a strategy until you know the rules of the game (which will may involve researching the town ordinances).

· Experts: To prove (or disprove) the applicable standards, will you need an expert witness, or can a layperson provide an opinion? In particular, an expert may be needed on issues such as whether a project will decrease neighborhood property values or create an unsafe amount of additional traffic.

· Procedure: What are the details of how the hearing will be conducted? What opportunities are there to present evidence, conduct cross-examination, make objections, or argue in support of your position?

· Appeal: How and when must any appeal be undertaken?

Attending a quasi-judicial proceeding without being prepared for a “court-like” experience is a mistake. While the board may be generous with an unprepared applicant in a small unopposed matter, adequate preparation and knowledge of the quasi-judicial process are crucial in a matter that is hotly contested or has high financial stakes. Regardless of whether you support or oppose the request, obtaining counsel with experience in representing local governments and/or developers in land-use matters is a sound investment.

Elliot Fus has served as town attorney for several North Carolina municipalities and has represented private parties in land use matters. He is a member of the N.C. Association of Municipal Attorneys and leads the firm’s Litigation Practice Group.

Blanco Tackabery Sponsors First Ever Veterans Helping Veterans Heal Charity Bowling Tournament

Blanco Tackabery is proud to sponsor the first ever Veterans Helping Veterans Heal Charity Bowling Tournament. The tournament takes place at Northside Lanes in Winston-Salem on April 27, from 2-4pm.

Veterans Helping Veterans Heal VHVH) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit housing program for homeless veterans in Winston-Salem, N.C. All proceeds from tonight’s event will go to VHVH’s 24-bed shelter for male military veterans dealing with chronic homelessness.

For more information about VHVH and their bowling tournament, visit:

Navigating Motor Vehicle Repossession as a Lender

Lenders that provide motor vehicle financing typically place a lien against the title to a motor vehicle in order to secure payment of the financing. If a borrower fails to make payments, or otherwise defaults under a financing agreement, the lender generally has the right to repossess the motor vehicle to protect its interests. However, under well-established North Carolina law, a lender may not “breach the peace” when exercising the right to repossess a motor vehicle. A breach of the peace can arise if a lender cuts a lock to open a gate to gain access to the motor vehicle or if a repossession occurs over the objection of a borrower who is present when the motor vehicle is repossessed. How can a lender faced with these circumstances repossess a motor vehicle without breaching the peace?

Fortunately, North Carolina statutes provide a procedure that assists a lender in this situation. The procedure is called “claim and delivery” in North Carolina. In other states, the procedure is called a replevin action. In brief, claim and delivery is a pre-judgment procedure that permits a lender to obtain an Order of Seizure from the Clerk of Court in the county where the motor vehicle is located directing the Sheriff of the relevant county to seize the motor vehicle from the borrower. The lender is required to file a complaint alleging a breach of the financing agreement and requesting an order of possession for the motor vehicle and a money judgment for the amount due under the financing agreement. A hearing before the Clerk of Court is scheduled and the borrower must be provided at least 10 days’ notice of the hearing. At the hearing, if the Clerk finds that there is a default under the financing agreement and that the lender is entitled to possession of the motor vehicle, the Clerk will issue an Order of Seizure. After the Sheriff seizes the motor vehicle, the Sheriff has to hold the motor vehicle for three days before releasing it to the lender. This three-day holding period permits the borrower to post a bond to protect the lender’s interest and regain possession of the motor vehicle. If no bond is posted, the motor vehicle is released to the lender, who is free to liquidate it consistent with its financing agreement and state law.

With motor vehicles becoming more and more expensive, lenders must look carefully at options for preserving their rights in collateral for their financing contracts. Motor vehicles depreciate rapidly and are subject to damage when being used. One advantage of a claim and delivery is that it is a prejudgment remedy, meaning that it can be pursued as soon as a lawsuit is filed. It should be noted that the claim and delivery process is not limited to motor vehicles. It can be used whenever possession of personal property is in issue.

Consulting an attorney with extensive experience in collateral protection procedures is prudent. The attorneys in Blanco Tackabery’s Litigation Practice Group have handled hundreds of claim and delivery actions throughout the State of North Carolina and can capably assist a client in protecting its interest in personal property collateral.

James Vaughan has more than 30 years of experience and primarily devotes his practice to representing financial institutions, companies and individuals as creditors in bankruptcy cases, in state and federal court litigation and in commercial loan workouts. Jim has represented secured lenders, unsecured lenders, landlords, equity interest holders and other parties in interest in many Chapter 11 cases as well as thousands in Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 cases.

Blanco Tackabery Sponsors 2024 RiverRun International Film Festival

The 26th annual RiverRun International Film Festival begins April 18 through April 27, in Winston-Salem and Greensboro. Blanco Tackabery is proud to sponsor this film festival that brings powerful ideas and diverse viewpoints to our local cinemas.

RiverRun International Film Festival is a non-profit cultural organization in Winston-Salem, NC. Their mission is to foster a greater appreciation of cinema and a deeper understanding of the many people, cultures and perspectives of our world through regular interaction with great films and filmmakers.

To learn more and purchase tickets to discover new and exciting films at RiverRun, visit:

Changes to NC Guardianship Law

Recent changes to North Carolina guardianship law strengthens the rights of respondents and wards, while potentially increasing the burden on petitioners, guardians, guardian ad litem, and others. 

In 2021, The New York Times released the headline-seizing documentary film Framing Britney Spears. The film explored the so-called “#FreeBritney Movement”—a term used to describe a loosely organized effort by Spears’ dedicated and vocal fanbase to end a California conservatorship that empowered Spears’s father, as conservator, to exercise significant control over her personal and financial affairs. A similar grassroots movement arose among the fans of former Nickelodeon star Amanda Bynes and culminated in termination of a nearly decade-long California conservatorship that likewise constrained keys aspects of her individual decision-making.

California is, however, hardly alone among jurisdictions that prescribe procedures and mechanisms for wresting control from individuals deemed incapable of managing aspects of their lives. In North Carolina, such arrangements are called guardianships, rather than conservatorships. Effective January 1, 2024, several key legislative changes altered aspects of the statutory regime governing North Carolina guardianships. Many of these changes appear to be motivated by a desire to ensure that respondents in guardianship proceedings (i.e., those who may ultimately be adjudicated as incompetent) are better apprised of their rights and subject to fewer limitations on their individual liberty.

For example, the guardianship statutes now make clear that a person will not be adjudicated as an incompetent and subjected to a guardianship “if, by means of a less restrictive alternative, he or she is able to sufficiently (i) manage his or her affairs and (ii) communicate important decisions concerning his or her person, family, and property.” This idea was implicit in the law of guardianship prior to the recently enacted legislative changes but is now made explicit. The statute also includes an express definition of the term “less restrictive alternative”:

An arrangement enabling a respondent to manage his or her affairs or to make or communicate important decisions concerning his or her person, property, and family that restricts fewer rights of the respondent than would the adjudication of incompetency and appointment of a guardian. The term includes supported decision making, appropriate and available technological assistance, appointment of a representative payee, and appointment of an agent by the respondent, including appointment under a power of attorney for health care or power of attorney for finances.

In other words, and as but one example of a potential “less restrictive alternative,” if a person executed a durable power of attorney prior to experiencing any issues impacting his or her competency, the existence of that durable power of attorney might be viewed as obviating the need for an adjudication of incompetency and the appointment of a guardian of the estate or general guardian for the principal under the power of attorney, even if the person might otherwise meet the criteria to qualify as an incompetent adult.

The new law also requires the petition in any guardianship proceeding to affirmatively include a “statement identifying what less restrictive alternatives have been considered prior to seeking adjudication and why those less restrictive alternatives are insufficient to meet the needs of the respondent.”

Another significant update concerns the respondent’s right to receive a mandatory, conspicuous notice that advises the respondent, without limitation, of the following:

– The right to counsel of choice;

– The right to be represented by a court-appointed guardian ad litem;

– The right to receive notice of any hearings and copies of documents filed in the proceeding;

– The right to gather and present evidence;

– The right to a hearing before being adjudicated as incompetent;

– The right to have a jury determine the issue of competency;

– The right to ask for a non-public hearing;

– The right to communicate his or her wishes regarding the exercise of any of his or her rights and the selection of any potential guardians; and

– The right to appeal.

A respondent is also now entitled to be notified about the rights he or she will have in the event that a court ultimately adjudicates the respondent as an incompetent ward, including, without limitation, the following:

– The right to a qualified and responsible guardian;

– The right to request that the administration of the guardianship be transferred to a different county of venue;

– The right to request that he or she be restored to competency;

– The right to request a review or modification of the guardianship; and

– The right to vote.

A guardian ad litem appointed to represent the respondent’s best interests must explain these rights to the respondent if the respondent requests such explanation during the guardian ad litem’s personal visit with the respondent. In any proceedings following an adjudication of incompetency in which a guardian ad litem is appointed for the incompetent ward, the guardian ad litem is likewise under a continuing, mandatory, affirmative duty to explain these rights. Finally, the written notice advising the respondent of these rights mut be served on the ward alongside the petition and notice of hearing.

In keeping with the general tenor of many of these updates, the law also now expressly states that, in the case of adults, “guardianship should always be a last resort and should only be imposed after less restrictive alternatives have been considered and found to be insufficient to meet the adult’s needs.”

If you need legal assistance in instituting a North Carolina guardianship proceeding as a petitioner or defending against a proceeding or seeking modification of an existing guardianship as a respondent, ward, or other interested person, attorneys at Blanco Tackabery may be able to help you navigate the complexities of this unique legal area. Similarly, if you have been appointed as the guardian for an incompetent ward and need advice concerning administration of a guardianship and compliance with your fiduciary obligations, please reach out to us today.


Chad Archer brings extensive expertise in state and federal litigation and was recently named to Business North Carolina’s Legal Elite Honorees 2024 as well as the 2024 edition of The Best Lawyers: Ones to Watch® in America. In his civil litigation practice, he advises clients on a wide range of issues, including trusts and estates, appeals, contract disputes, commercial and corporate disputes, complex business litigation and employment disputes.



Help Us Support The Catholic Charities of the Piedmont Triad in their Humanitarian Efforts

Blanco Tackabery is proud to sponsor Catholic Charities of the Piedmont Triad, Partners in Hope Gala, in effort to support their mission to serve the Piedmont Triad area’s most vulnerable individuals and families.

All proceeds from the event will go directly to Catholic Charities’ Piedmont Triad regional office and will be used to support a wide range of programs and services, including food pantries, housing, refugee resettlement, mental health counseling, burial assistance, and more.

The gala takes place Thursday, April 4, 2024, at The Benton Convention Center in Winston Salem.  To donate to this cause to help Catholic Charities reach their $365,000 goal, or to learn more about this cause, visit:

NIL Law in College Sports: The Basics

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When the NCAA adopted interim rules allowing college athletes to profit from name, image and likeness (“NIL”) in July 2021, it called upon Congress to implement NIL laws at a national level. Nearly three years into the NIL era, that hasn’t happened. Meanwhile, the NCAA had a busy start to 2024, imposing NIL-related sanctions against Florida State University, introducing new transparency requirements for NIL deals, and being sued by several states over its NIL policies.

To understand the current NIL landscape, let’s back up. NIL regulation currently flows from three sources: state government, the NCAA, and schools themselves. Athletes, donors, and businesses should be familiar with each level of regulation to ensure their NIL deals don’t put them–or schools they support– at risk of serious penalties.

North Carolina’s NIL Law

North Carolina’s current NIL law was established via Executive Order No. 223, signed by Governor Cooper on July 2, 2021. The important points to know are: (1) schools cannot make NIL deals directly with student-athletes; (2) NIL deals cannot be used as a direct inducement for a student-athlete to enroll or remain enrolled at a school, and (3) NIL deals cannot be conditioned on performance in competition.

These restrictions are intended to preserve the amateurism of college athletics by ensuring NIL does not create a “free agency” of the kind we see in professional sports, where teams attract players using high salaries and performance-based bonuses. You’ll find that much of the current NIL regulatory scheme was made with that same intent. That notwithstanding, the Order does allow student-athletes to hire agents, so long as they comply with the same state and federal laws that apply to agents for professional athletes.

Finally, North Carolina also gives discretion to its own colleges and universities to establish additional regulations, should they choose to. More on that later.

NCAA Rules

The next layer of regulation comes from the NCAA’s interim rules. The NCAA’s interim policy and supplemental guidance hit many of the same notes as North Carolina’s law – including that NIL opportunities may not be used to induce recruits to attend a particular school.

The NCAA also emphasizes that compensation without quid pro quo is prohibited. Accordingly, NIL agreements must contain expected deliverables, such as endorsement and marketing activities, that the student-athlete has promised in exchange for compensation. In other words, businesses cannot simply write a check with “NIL” in the memo line. It should be clear how the student-athlete’s name, image, and likeness will be used.

Like North Carolina’s law, the NCAA prohibits compensation based on athletic participation and achievement. So, NIL agreements cannot have any of the performance-based incentives that have become so common in professional sports, such as bonuses for reaching thresholds for innings pitched, rushing yards, or games played.

In January, the NCAA concluded its first major case for NIL violations, sanctioning Florida State University after an FSU assistant coach arranged a meeting between a recruit and an FSU booster, during which the booster extended a 1-year, $180,000.00 NIL offer–contingent on transferring to FSU. Following an investigation, the NCAA suspended the coach for three games. Perhaps more damaging, FSU was required to “disassociate” from the booster for three years. Disassociation means the booster cannot provide assistance (financial or otherwise) to FSU, nor can the booster receive any athletics benefit from FSU which would be unavailable to the general public.

The NCAA’s Division I Council also unanimously adopted new disclosure requirements in January. Beginning August 1, 2024, student-athletes must disclose information to their schools regarding all NIL agreements exceeding $600.00 in value. They must disclose the involved parties, terms of the agreement, and any compensation for the student athlete’s service provider (agent, financial advisor, etc.) within 30 days of signing the deal. The NCAA will also be developing standardized contracts and recommended, but not mandatory, contract terms.

While the NCAA’s NIL rules are harmonious with North Carolina’s, that’s not the case everywhere. The attorneys general of Tennessee and Virginia filed suit against the NCAA this week to abolish the NCAA’s NIL regulations on antitrust grounds. The lawsuit follows the NCAA’s investigation into the University of Tennessee’s recruitment of a five-star quarterback from California.

School-Specific Rules

The final layer of regulation comes at the school level. North Carolina’s NIL law gives colleges and universities discretion to prohibit certain deals for reasons specific to that school. For example, schools may prohibit NIL deals which conflict with an existing contract of the institution. So, because NC State has a deal with Adidas for its athletic uniforms, it could prohibit an athlete from signing an NIL deal with Nike, or another competitor.

Schools may also limit the categories of brands a student athlete may enter NIL agreements with. For example, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s policy prohibits athletes from engaging in NIL deals involving alcohol, gambling, or adult entertainment.

Schools may limit compensation during official team activities and events—probably to prevent a student-athlete from attempting, and brands expecting, promotion of their sponsor’s brand during a game or press conference.

Schools may also require that NIL deals are commensurate with fair market value. So, if an athlete is offered a million dollars for a de minimis obligation, schools have the authority to tamp down. However, that’s something schools are clearly disincentivized to do as it could put them at a competitive disadvantage compared to schools who don’t have the same requirement.

Institutions may also limit NIL pertaining to the school’s intellectual property. For example, Wake Forest could prevent one of its players from using Wake Forest’s logos in the course of an NIL deal. Knowing each school’s policies on intellectual property use in NIL deals is vital to avoid exposure to trademark and copyright infringement.

That’s an overview of the current landscape. But that landscape could change–fast. Support for amateurism in college sports appears to be waning, with polls indicating that a majority of Americans support the notion of directly paying college athletes. Whether Congress will act to standardize NIL law remains to be seen. In the meantime, stakeholders should vet their NIL contracts, both in form and presentation, to ensure they aren’t exposing themselves – or their beloved alma maters – to serious penalties.

Three Blanco Tackabery Attorneys Named 2024 NC Super Lawyers and One Rising Star

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We are pleased to announce that three of our attorneys have been named 2024 Super Lawyers and one attorney has been named as one of the 2024 Rising Stars.


Congratulations to the following three attorneys named Super Lawyers:

Elliot Fus – Business Litigation

Peter Juran – Business Litigation

Ashley Rusher – Bankruptcy: Business


Congratulations to the following attorney named Rising Star:

James Goodwin – Real Estate


Super Lawyers recognizes the top attorneys in over 70 practice areas who have attained a high-degree of peer recognition and professional achievement. Approximately 5% of lawyers from across the state are recognized as “Super Lawyers” and fewer than 3% are named “Rising Stars.”

To learn more, check out the 2024 Super Layer publication here.

Attorney Julian Robb Wins 2024 Business NC Legal Elite Real Estate Category

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Blanco Tackabery is pleased to congratulate attorney Julian Robb for winning this year’s Business North Carolina Legal Elite Real Estate category! Julian received the most votes in real estate and therefore, received recognition as one of the state’s top attorneys.

Julian focuses his practice on commercial real estate. This also includes doing work in the Affordable Housing and Renewable Energy areas. His work includes all types of commercial real estate transactions, complex title work and commercial leasing contracts and agreements. He has been listed as an honoree of the Business North Carolina Legal Elite Real Estate category in 2017, 2018, 2021 and 2023.

Get to know the state’s top lawyers here. Check out Julian’s profile in the Business North Carolina Magazine here.

Five Attorneys Named Legal Elite Honorees for Business NC Magazine

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We are pleased to announce that five of our attorneys have been named Legal Elite Honorees for Business NC Magazine in 2024. Attorneys were selected by their peers as the top lawyers in their practice via a statewide ballot.

Congratulations to:
Chad Archer for Litigation
George Hollodick for Real Estate
Caroline Munroe for Tax and Estate Planning
Julian Robb for Real Estate
Ashley Rusher for Bankruptcy

We are proud to extend our congratulations to Julian Robb for being named the top in his category.

Wake Forest University Hosts Winston-Salem Open 2023

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This past weekend the Winston-Salem Open kicked off at Wake Forest University! Blanco Tackabery has enjoyed attending this annual tournament and supporting its efforts to benefit the youth in our community through investment in quality athletic and tennis programs at local schools.

Matches began Saturday, August 19th. For full event details and to purchase tickets, visit:

August 19-26, 2023

Wake Forest University Complex